Applications for BRISK2 are now closed, this website will remain active until 31-Oct-2024 but will not be monitored during that time.

Boost your biofuels research with one of our 15 project partners

Funded by EU Horizon 2020, BRISK2 aims to improve the success of international biofuels research and  implementation.

BRISK2’s main activity is to provide researchers from around the world with access to biological and thermal biomass conversion facilities across Europe by facilitating Transnational Access (TA).

Eligible researchers can apply to utilise the unique facilities and expertise of any BRISK2 research partner outside of their home country. Funding is available for short-term experimental research visits, along with a capped grant for travel, accommodation and subsistence.

Applications are assessed all year round and individuals or groups of researchers at any stage in their career from industry and academia are welcome to apply. Where travel is not available we may be able to accommodate virtual visits. Our teams of experts at any of our facilities will conduct the experiments on your behalf and send you your results. Furthermore, should your engagement result in a paper, we will assist in open access publications.




Erik Heeres

End of the projectAnd the technical concept worked!The ABC salt project aimed to effectively convert waste biomass streams to middle distillates using molten salt pyrolysis in combination with catalytic hydrotreatment at a TRL level of 3-4. The ultimate technical...

Mauro Prestipino

I am working as a post-doc researcher at the University of Messina (Italy) in residual biomass gasification and energy integration with the local agri-industry. A peculiar residue is the one from the citrus juice factories, which presents some challenging features. I...

Supergen Bioenergy Hub

The UK Supergen Bioenergy Hub works across a wide range of stakeholders to develop sustainable bioenergy systems to support the UK’s transition to an affordable, resilient, low-carbon energy future. Supergen is now based at Aston University in Birmingham, UK, having...

Joint Research Activities

WORK PACKAGE 4This update is by Lydia Fryda, leader for WP4, Protocols & Benchmarking. Lydia is based at ECN>TNO, the Netherland's Organisation of Applied Scientific Research, which merged with Energieonderzoek Centrum in 2018. LNEG focused on gathering and...

Marie Curie Research: Stelios Stefanidis

Dr Stelios Stefanidis is a Marie Curie Research Fellow at the European Bioenergy Research Institute (EBRI) within Aston University, UK.Carrying out interdisciplinary research in applied sciences often requires specialized equipment, skills and knowledge. Transnational...

Work Package 5 Update

In order to reduce dependence on fossil resources, new biomass feedstocks need to be developed to produce bio-based materials and bio-based energy. However, new biomass feedstocks can differ significantly from classic biomassfeedstocks, such as wood. These differences...

Our Partners and Facilities

BRISK2 provides access to unique biofuels research equipment across its infrastructure until 2022. Find out more below…

Explore Our Facilities

BRISK2 has 55 installations with a wide range of biofuels research equipment available via Transnational Access. Use our quick search facility to find the equipment you need, or download the full rig list for more detailed rig specifications

Discover Our Partners

BRISK2 has 15 project partners located in 11 countries across Europe, from both academia and industry. Discover the wide ranging expertise available within the research infrastructure, with opportunities for collaboration and career development.

Begin Your Application

The call for Transnational Access proposals is open now, with applications pooled for assessment in April and October. Apply for yourself or your team’s funded BRISK2 biofuels research visit in Europe in just a few simple steps.

Aysel Elik

BRISK2 Participant

“BRISK2 project gave me the opportunity to access to unique equipment and gain knowledge in the field of the biomass processing”

Dr. Yeshui Zhang

BRISK2 Participant

“I would like to recommend anyone who works in the pyrolysis or gasification area to join BRISK2, It is a great opportunity for the early career researcher to gain more experiences and share ideas with talented researchers across Europe.”

Yan Moiseev

BRISK2 Participant

“BRISK2 is a great opportunity for students like me to get experience working with equipment they do not have access to, and get the taste of cooperation with well experienced professionals from other countries.”

Biofuels Research Infrastructure

This project has received funding
 from the European Union’s Horizon
2020’s research and innovation
programme under grant agreement
number 731101.

+46 8 790 74 73