The UK Supergen Bioenergy Hub works across a wide range of stakeholders to develop sustainable bioenergy systems to support the UK’s transition to an affordable, resilient, low-carbon energy future.

Supergen is now based at Aston University in Birmingham, UK, having moved from the University of Manchester. It is under the direction of Professor Patricia Thornley and the management of the Supergen Bioenergy Hub is undertaken by the Core Management Group. Our work is funded jointly by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and is part of the wider Supergen Programme.

The Hub’s work programme covers:

  • Resources: Researching and developing the production and potential of different biomass and waste feedstocks without negatively impacting food production and maximising local environmental and global climate benefits. This Topic Group is led by Iain Donnison (Aberystwyth University).
  • Pre-treatment and Conversion: Identifying preferred bioenergy pathways and developing new technologies and systems that support the Hub’s vision for UK bioenergy. This Topic Group is led by Jason Hallett (Imperial College London), Tony Bridgwater (Aston University) and Chris Hardacre (University of Manchester).
  • Vectors: Identifying and selecting appropriate energy vectors to determine how they fit within a wider biorefinery strategy to reduce carbon and reliance on fossil fuel, and to maximise national and regional resilience. This Topic Group is led by Marcelle McManus (University of Bath).
  • Systems: Assessing the role and sustainability of bioenergy on energy systems and related sectors, and its impact on the energy trilemma of affordability, resilience and carbon reduction. This Topic Group is led by Mirjam Röder (Aston University). We also have Topic Group Leaders: Rebecca Rowe (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology) representing Resources and Systems; Andrew Welfle (University of Manchester) representing Vectors and Resources; Robert Holland (University of Southampton) representing Systems and Resources; and Katie Chong (Aston University) who represents Pre-Treatment and Conversion and Vectors.

If you wish to join the Supergen Bioenergy Hub and have access to the researchers’ meetings, annual assemblies and SHARE network for early career researchers, as well as being able to apply for our flexible funding calls, please contact our Project Manager, Emma Wylde. You can also connect with us at We’re also organising the ‘Building a Sustainable European Biofuel Industry’ conference in Gothenburg from 4 to 6 November with two Nordic partners, Bio4Fuels (Norway) and Renewable Transportation and Fuels (Sweden). Attendance is free – sign up at

Resources Leader Iain Donnison (third from left) at the joint Supergen launch event at the Houses of Parliament, June 2019